Guidelines to create your personal fueling plan

dominiqueherzet Par Le 15/03/2016 36

Dans Expériences

Food is fuel

Food is more than "fuel",  "energy" or "calories", but during exercise, when our brain is not at its best, we have to simplify Biology to be able to meet our essentials needs. These exercise needs are what I will call "Fueling".

In the following lines, I have tried to explain very simple and fast methods to calculate your carbohydrates, fluids and sodium intakes for training or racing.

First off all, I advise you to have a healthy daily nutrition, to eat a well-balanced diet with variety of foods that provides adequate amounts of carbohydrates, protein and fats to cover your athlete needs. Check regularly if your daily calories intakes match with your Total Daily Energy Expenditure.

Adequate Carbohydrate consumption, Fluid and Sodium intakes to avoid dehydration are the most important elements for successful workouts. Glucose needs Sodium to move through the intestinal wall, and is followed by water through the process of osmosis. Then, glucose is transported via the bloodstream to the muscular cells.

During exercise an endurance athlete may count on two main sources to release energy: Carbohydrates (glycogen is a readily mobilized storage form of glucose), which are the most efficient & Fats which are almost an unlimited energy resource but can only be converted to energy during lower intensity exercise as this process requires the presence of oxygen. The body carbohydrates stores are large enough to exercise for 90–120 minutes. After that, an athlete needs to rely on external sources of carbohydrate (gels, sports drinks, bars, food) to supplement these stores. The percent fat contribution is dependent on the intensity of the exercise and the availability of carbohydrates. That’s why, fueling regularly with right amount of carbohydrates (limited to 90gr/hour to avoid Gastro Intestinal distress) combined with the internal Fats stores, will help spare the limited amount of glycogen. That’s the key to success in endurance sport.


Concerning your fuelling plan (before, during, after endurance exercise)


  • In these examples we consider that the athlete’s weight is 70 kg and his sweat rate is 1 liter per hour
  • 500mg of table Salt (NaCl) contains about 250mg Sodium (Na).
  • Check your weight on the scale just prior and after exercising to monitor your sweat rate and potential dehydration.



  • Within three to four hours consume an easy to digest meal and drink beverage (tea, coffee, water) about 500ml.  To be more precise, use the “fluid rule of thumb” below.
  • From 2 hours to ½ hours. Eat gels or chews, avoid solid food. Fluid intake about 250ml (Sports drink or water with gel/chews).  To be more precise, use the “fluid rule of thumb” below.
  • ½ h to 0 hour: Fluid intake ad lib. (eventually 1 gel with 250ml water)


Fluid rule of thumb:  From 4 to 1 heure before exercising, to calculate approximatively your fluid intake, multiply your weight (ie 70 kg) by the number of hour before exercise (ie 3 hours) and then by 2.  I.e.  70 x 3 x 2,5 = 490 ml

Sodium rule of thumb:  1 milligram (mg) for each milliliter (ml) of fluid intake (average concentration in sweat), i.e. 250ml of fluid with 250mg sodium.

Carbohydrates rule of thumb: Multiply your weight by the number of hour before exercise, i.e. 2 hours before = 140 grams (70 x 2) and ½ hour before = 35 grams (70 / 2).



For session up to 60 minutes, If you have properly fueled prior to exercising, water or electrolyte drinks is sufficient. In case of high intensity workouts or multiple training sessions programmed the same day, opt for sport drinks (with 6% to 8% of carbohydrates).  Drink (1 liter/hour).  Sodium needs for average sweater: 1000mg/ hour

For longer than 1h endurance exercise, use the following guidelines:

Fluid needs based on your sweat rate (i.e.1000ml/hour). Sodium concentration needs for salty sweater: 1mg/ml.  Carbohydrate intake: 1 g/kg each hour (i.e. 70 g/h) via sports drink, bars or gel (this is an opportunity to test what works best for you). Foods and fluids should be consumed in regular short intervals (15-20 minutes) to allow time for gastric emptying and absorption.


After (within an hour)

If feasible, immediately check your weight on the scale to see if your fluid intakes plan needs some adjustments. Gently rehydrate with fluids, drink about same quantity as your sweat rate (ie. 1 Liter/hour) i.e. mineral water, fruit juice, recovery shakes that contains protein (ie.  Chocolate milk ). Consume easy to digest foods that contain sodium (soup, pretzels, bread…)

Conseils pour créer votre propre plan d’alimentation ou « fueling plan »

Food is fuel

La nourriture est indispensable pour vivre mais elle l’est encore plus lorsque l’on fait un effort. Seulement, pendant l’effort, notre cerveau n’est pas au top de ses capacités. Il faut donc simplifier la biologie pour pouvoir répondre à nos besoins. Ces besoins nécessaires à l’effort sont, ce que j’appellerai, le « fueling ».

Dans les paragraphes suivants, j’ai essayé de présenter des méthodes simples et efficaces pour calculer vos consommations de carbohydrate, liquides et de sodium pour l’entraînement et la compétition.



Tout d’abord, je vous conseille de vous nourrir quotidiennement de manière saine et équilibrée avec des aliments variés qui apportent une quantité suffisante de carbohydrate, de protéines, et de graisses pour répondre à vos besoins d’athlète. Vérifier régulièrement si vos apports journaliers en calories correspondent à vos dépenses quotidiennes d’énergie.

Une consommation adéquate de glucides, ainsi que des apports en liquides et en sodium permettant d’éviter la déshydratation sont les éléments les plus importants pour des séances d'entraînement réussies.

Le glucose a besoin de sodium pour se déplacer à travers la paroi intestinale, et est suivi par l'eau par le processus d'osmose. Ensuite, le glucose est transporté par la circulation sanguine vers les cellules musculaires.

Pendant l'effort, un athlète d'endurance peut compter sur deux sources principales pour libérer de l'énergie : les glucides (le glycogène est une forme de stockage de glucose facilement mobilisable) qui sont les plus efficaces, et les graisses qui sont une ressource énergétique presque illimitée mais qui ne peuvent être converties en énergie que pendant l'effort de plus faible intensité car ce processus nécessite la présence d'oxygène.

Les réserves de glucides du corps sont suffisantes pour faire de l'exercice pendant 90 à 120 minutes. Par la suite, l'athlète doit compter sur des sources externes de glucides (gels, boissons pour sportifs, barres, aliments) pour compléter son stock. Le pourcentage d'apport en matières grasses dépend de l'intensité de l'effort et de la disponibilité des glucides. C'est pourquoi, faire le plein régulièrement avec la bonne quantité de glucides (limitée à 90gr/heure pour éviter la détresse gastro-intestinale) combinée avec les réserves internes de graisses, aidera à épargner la quantité limitée de glycogène. C'est la clé du succès dans le sport d'endurance.

Concernant votre plan d’alimentation ou « fueling plan » (avant, pendant, pendant, après un effort d'endurance)

  • Dans ces exemples, nous considérons que le poids de l'athlète est de 70 kg et que son taux de transpiration  est de 1 litre par heure.
  • 500 mg de sel de table (NaCl) contient environ 250 mg de sodium (Na).
  • Vérifiez votre poids sur la balance juste avant et après l'effort pour surveiller votre taux de transpiration et votre déshydratation potentielle.



  • Dans un délai de trois à quatre heures avant l’effort, consommer un repas facile à digérer et boire une boisson (thé, café, eau) d'environ 500ml.  Pour être plus précis, utilisez la "règle du fluide" ci-dessous.
  • De 2 heures à ½ heures avant l’effort. Mangez des gels ou des produits à mâcher, évitez les aliments solides. Apport en liquide d'environ 250 ml (boisson sportive ou eau avec gel/gomme à mâcher).
  • ½ h à 0 heure : Prise de liquide ad lib. (éventuellement 1 gel avec 250ml d'eau)


Règle empirique Domin TRI du fluide :  De 4 à 1 heure avant l'effort, pour calculer approximativement votre consommation de liquides, multipliez le nombre de kg de votre poids (ex: 70 pour 70 kg) par le nombre d'heures avant l'effort (soit 3 heures) puis par 2.  Soit,  70 x 3 x 2 = 420 ml.

Règle empirique Domin TRI du sodium : 1 milligramme (mg) pour chaque millilitre (ml) de liquide ingéré (concentration moyenne dans la sueur), c'est-à-dire 250ml de liquide avec 250mg de sodium.

La règle empirique Domin TRI des glucides : Multipliez le nombre de kg de votre poids (ex: 70) par le nombre d'heures avant l'effort, c'est-à-dire 2 heures avant = 140 grammes (70 x 2) et ½ heure avant = 35 grammes (70 / 2).



Pour les séances jusqu'à 60 minutes, si vous avez fait le plein de nourriture avant l'effort, il suffit de boire de l'eau ou de l'électrolyte. En cas de séances d'entraînement à haute intensité ou de séances d'entraînement multiples programmées le même jour, optez pour des boissons pour sportifs (avec 6 à 8 % de glucides).  Boire (1 litre/heure).  Besoins en sodium pour un taux de transpiration moyen : 1000mg/heure

Pour les exercices d'endurance de plus d'une heure, suivez les directives suivantes :

Besoins en liquide en fonction de votre taux de transpiration (c'est-à-dire 1000ml/heure). Concentration de sodium nécessaire pour une transpiration salée : 1mg/ml.  Apport en glucides : 1 g/kg chaque heure (soit 70 g/h) à l’aide d’une boisson sportive, une barre ou un gel (c'est l'occasion de tester ce qui fonctionne le mieux pour vous). Les aliments et les liquides doivent être consommés à intervalles réduits et réguliers (15 à 20 minutes) pour permettre la vidange et l'absorption de l'estomac.


Après (jusqu’à une heure après)

Si possible, vérifiez immédiatement votre poids sur la balance pour voir si votre plan de consommation de liquides doit être ajusté. Réhydratez doucement avec des liquides, buvez à peu près la même quantité que votre taux de transpiration (c.-à-d. 1 litre/heure), c.-à-d. eau minérale, jus de fruits, boissons de récupération contenant des protéines (c.-à-d. lait au chocolat). Consommer des aliments faciles à digérer qui contiennent du sodium (soupe, bretzels, pain…).


Nutrition 2



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    16 Le 16/07/2021

    Choosing the best and most trusted area to play-act online gambling
    has become the main requirement if you want to be rich in this business.
    It doesn't event what game you play, be it soccer gambling, lottery gambling, casino gambling, online slots
    or even cockfighting. If you can't choose a trustworthy gambling
    site, later you will end up in failure.

    Therefore, it is totally important for those of you who are
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    Are you a lover of online slot gambling games? This
    game has been on for hundreds of years but is still one of the favorite games
    in Usernesia even in luxury gambling places following
    Las Vegas or Macau, slot machines are always smoothly lined going
    on waiting for fans to pull levers and win jackpots that
    achieve billions of rupiah. .

    But, did you know if this game was initially considered a flop game?
    Yes, at the start of this game created by its creator named Charles August Fey in 1894
    in the joined States, this robot was meant as an automatic poker
    game robot that could be moved using coins.
  • ruangkongsi

    17 ruangkongsi Le 11/07/2021

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    18 l69 Le 10/07/2021

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    19 Le 08/07/2021

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    websites that supply information or call our website is
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    Indonesia. Why l69? Due to the fact we have been here for more than five a number of have
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    By offering many different types of betting bets that
    may be played upon one ID, it makes typically the members feel happy playing in your bookie.

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    Nevertheless regrettably lately there are many members who knowledge problems and problems any time entering into their Bola tangkas game for the reason that Sbobet
    web site is frequently blocked and many old sites have been blocked by the
    Indonesian federal government and not a few are also afflicted by what
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    gambling and right now there are many other content of which is deemed inappropriate.
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    20 judimaxbet Le 06/07/2021

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  • depoking

    21 depoking Le 30/06/2021

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    22 agen Nova88 Le 30/06/2021

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  • spadegamingslot

    24 spadegamingslot Le 16/06/2021

    Spadegaming Slot Indonesia Recognized Website
    Spadegaming slot machines is the only specialist
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    Spadegaming slots is also the No. 1 site that only provides online
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    The spadegaming site has officially obtained the Malta Gaming Authority license from the
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    Till now, the Spadegaming slot site has released
    more than 72 game versions that will fulfill all of our loyal members.

    List of ID Slot machines on the Spadegaming Official Site
    The Spadegaming slot site also gives potential members
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  • bukauserbolavip

    25 bukauserbolavip Le 15/06/2021

    How you can Register for a Userbolavip Account

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    Via the option link above a person will go
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    26 Le 14/06/2021

    WM casino is the particular best live casino at redbet online game provider
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  • Clint

    27 Clint Le 10/06/2021

    Have you been a lover of online slot wagering games?
    This game has existed for hundreds of years but continues to be one
    of the favourite games in Usernesia even in luxury gambling places like Las Vegas
    or Macau, slot machines are always neatly lined up waiting for enthusiasts to pull levers
    and win jackpots that reach billions of rupiah..

    However do you know if this game was in the beginning considered a flop game?
    Indeed, at the starting of this game created by its creator named Charles August Fey in 1894 in the United States, this model was intended as a possible computerized poker game machine that could be moved using coins.

    After trying to build his idea into actuality, Fey finally gave up and
    considered his discovery a disappointment.
    But who would have thought that all this machine turned out to be one
    of the most widely used online games in the world.
    Not only in slot gambling online games provided by betting houses but also the
    concept utilised by various games as a "bonus game".

    This is where the game involving the RNG or Arbitrary Number
    Generator was initiated, where the machine will assign random values ​​that will
    determine what you will get at each round of the
    game. Not only slots but also online games like virtual
    sporting activities or bonus online games like gacha also
    use this kind of concept.
  • Clara

    28 Clara Le 23/05/2021

    Currently, not every online slot sites and online gambling sites in Indonesia have international licenses.
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    known claiming to be the best sites. Most of the sites on the internet
    are not licensed by the international gambling
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    slot gambling site. Of course we don't want that we play a part upon a site taking into account that.
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    We service deposits from every types of Indonesian banks and digital wallets, including genius.
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    29 Anitra Le 21/05/2021

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  • daftar slot

    30 daftar slot Le 20/05/2021

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    31 Le 17/05/2021

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  • situs judi

    32 situs judi Le 14/05/2021

    you can find not many betting sites in Dalam negri that could hold the particular title because the finest slot gambling site.
    One of them is BandarUsernesia. This specific site presents different
    types of slot gambling games through well-known providers such as
    Pragmatic Play, Habanero Systems, Microgaming,
    and so about for slot wagering fans in Dalam negri.

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    Are as follows.

    Complete Game
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    gambling slot site, BandarUsernesia also offers other types associated with gambling games this
    kind of as soccer wagering, casino gambling, holdem poker, and many some other exotic
    gambling video games that you may find on this particular site.
  • Maisie

    33 Maisie Le 26/04/2021

    Panduanjudi Login

    Panduanjudi is a trusted and ascribed poker site from PKV games server.
    We give 9 types of progressive games that can be played using just
    one ID. The games we come up with the money for combine poker, domino99, bandarq, aduq, sakong,
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    having a large variety of games, along with has several
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    registered as a member. behind solution weekly cashback
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    both winning and losing. moreover Panduanjudi really appreciate if there are members who invite contacts or intimates to exploit
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    at our place. One of the ways is the Gambling lead provides
    a means of payment that reaches every elements of Indonesian society.

    By dynamic taking into account leading banks and accepting Simpati and XL balance deposits.
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    GoPay, OVO and Funds. new than those mentioned above, of course there are yet advantages
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    poker sites such as:
  • bosen24

    34 bosen24 Le 25/04/2021

    Situs Judi Online Sbobet
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    the situs judi online Sbobet. A large site for gambling service providers that provides been established since 2004.
    In 2009 and 2010, respectively, Sbobet received the exclusive
    award as Oriental Operator Of The particular Year and its
    existence has been acknowledged thanks to recognized agents who function in serving players in Indonesia.

    35 Le 24/04/2021

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  • Ioncasino

    36 Ioncasino Le 22/04/2021

    Ion Casino

    Ion casino is a reliable and best on the internet casino site through
    2010 that has served millions of players in Asia.
    Ion casino or also called Ionclub is the top ranking selection site because that provides the greatest experience for internet gambling players in Indonesia.
    With an recognized license to function, this provider ensures that players make bets without chance, credibility
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